24 x 24 on hardboard panel
I feel like I've been working on this painting for ever, but Karen reminded me that I had spent much more time on other paintings I had done in the past than this. It was a labor of love, in that I had been saving this image, waiting for the right moment to paint it. I think it turned out pretty good. I could have futzed with it for a while longer, but decided to let it go as is. Anything else I would have done would probably be lost on the vast majority of those looking at it, and I didn't want to overwork it. I'll be shipping this out to Elliot Fouts Gallery in October for a still life show he's putting on. Two of my online colleagues, Chris Stott and Paul Brown, will also be part of the show. I can't wait to see what they will contribute.
Now it's onto some ebay paintings, and a small commission. When those are complete, I think I'm going to tackle a large cow. Something in the range of 30 x 48. If it happens, my largest painting to date. Yikes! I think it'll be fun. I love painting things with eyes.