36 x 48 oil on canvas
I've got four more days into the Murray Grey. Sloooooow going. Still refining the structure and gradually adding in some color. I'm going to go ahead and call this the completion of the second pass. This piece will probably require at least four passes, and possibly five. I'll probably squeeze in another short round of ebay paintings before I begin the final pass. When I complete another significant portion of this painting, I'll post another image.
I also just received a brief email from Elliot Fouts regarding Saturday night's opening of The Still Life Show at his gallery in Sacramento. He was kind enough to let me know that PB&J No.10 had created a buzz, and that Dumbo had been put on layaway. Good news from my first exposure on the west coast. If you're reading this Elliot, I really appreciate your invitation to participate in a show with so many talented artists.