iPad App Home Screen

When I saw that Jeff Cohen had his own iPad App, I knew that I would have to put together one of my own. It was just too cool of an idea to pass up. Plus I just got an iPad for Christmas and thought it could be a good way to present my work to friends, collectors and galleries. Technically I had no idea of how to actually build the app, fortunately Spencer Cohen (computer prodigy and son of the afore mentioned Jeff and Leslie Cohen) was there to provide those skills.
iPad App Standard Page View
I did the easy part, picking out the images I wanted to present. I sent those pages with layout instructions and the brief amount of text I included to Spencer and he did the real work. The app went live yesterday evening, and I'm have to say I'm very happy with it. The paintings really pop on that beautiful hi res screen.

iPad App Full-Screen View
The app presents 58 paintings done over the last ten years. Some of my favorites. It's very easy to navigate. You swipe right to left to advance to the next painting, and swipe left to right to return to the previous image. You can pinch/zoom within the picture window to examine the details, or double tap the image to see the painting in full-screen mode. There is also a scroll bar along the bottom to quickly move to a specific painting.
If you'd like a copy, you can get it for $1.99 at the App Store on iTunes. You can either search the for the title at the App Store: Art of James Neil Hollingsworth, or click here. If you do purchase a copy, and like it, I'd be grateful if you would leave a positive comment about it on the app's page on iTunes.