12 x 16 oil on hardboard panel
I switched up the order a little and decided to work on the Blocks first rather than the Orange Bowl. I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Makes me want to incorporate the magnifying glass into more compositions.
I'm currently working out the details for a show in July at my new gallery in Orleans Massachusetts. The gallery is called Tree's Place. I was contacted by them a few weeks ago about coming on board and possibly having a one man show. If all goes as planned, it will be held there July 8th. This, the Ketchup Bottle and the Orange Bowl will be the first paintings slated for the show.
I've wanted to show at Tree's Place for sometime. Karen and I were in Cape Cod for a show a few years ago, and in our travels around the cape we stumbled upon their gallery. Coincidentally the gallery and we were both featured in separate articles in that months issue of American Art Collector and when we introduced ourselves they knew who we were. They were all very nice and we had a great visit that day.
I'll be mixing up the destinations of the next couple of paintings. I've got compositions ready to paint for Stricoff Fine Art and Mason Murer Fine Art. When those are done I'll get back to producing more work for the Tree's Place show. Now . . . back to the oranges.