12 x 12 oil on hardboard panel
The oranges (actually Clementines) took more time to finish up than I anticipated, but the variation between each days progress was so subtle that there wasn't much point in putting up an interim blog post. Figured I'd hold off, then post the completed painting. The image here doesn't show it very well, but I believe I got a little closer, in this piece, to achieving the elusive goal I have set for myself of painting porcelain "correctly". The translucentyness of that surface is really tough for me, but one of these days I'm going to get it right.
I've got another ketchup bottle in the works. I'll put up some "in progress" images in the next day or so. It's a little bigger than the previous piece at 16 x 20. This one has a pair of salt and pepper shakers incorporated into the composition. Glass and shiny metal . . . nuff said.