24 x 72 oil on canvas
For people who regularly paint large this wouldn't appear all that impressive, but for me gazing upon a canvas that requires two easels to support is a pretty daunting scene. This piece also comes with the added pressure of a deadline. It has to be completed in three weeks if it's to be ready for the Realism show at Mason Murer on April 8th. Suffice it to say, I'm freaking out. On the other hand, this is a subject I've wanted to paint for ever. It combines my love of flying and vintage aircraft with my love of painting.
One more side note about the Realism show, my nephew called the other night to tell me that he saw my Mule No.2 in an ad in Atlanta magazine promoting the show at Mason Murer. Karen and I went out the next day and picked up a copy. Andrea at the gallery creates all their ads and she did a great job. She's got a great eye for design and the use of type. It's wonderful seeing my paintings in print. I still can't believe that I get to do this for a living. It took fifty years and three previous career moves, but it was worth the wait.