5 7/8 x 24 oil on hardboard panel
On some occasions the first pass of a painting comes very close to a completed piece. At least it appears that way in the image I post here on my blog. In the flesh, they do look more distinct. Stacked Blocks is a good example of this. The in progress image and the jpeg of the completed painting look very similar on the computer monitor, but the finished painting is, in actuality, much more developed. I've been working on the second Ketchup Bottle for the last few days and I'm facing that same situation with it. Any in progress post at this point would be very hard to discern from it's predecessor, so I'm holding off until it's complete to show the final pass. My next painting will be a very large and complex one and I think it will work better as an in progress piece. If it takes as long as I think it will, you may all be pretty sick of seeing it by the time it's done.